Why my barefoot spa 88LM is amazing


Reviewed by: Sal from Philadelphia, PA
Rating: 5.0
Barefoot spa 88LM hot tubs
88LM barefoot spa
Barefoot Spas 88LM
88LM after sales service

Why my barefoot spa 88LM is amazing
The 88LM model from Barefoot Spas is an amazing product. My standards are quite high becuase I’ve owned several of the high end brands on the market, and Barefoot spas is definitely in that conversation.

The seating capacity is VERY nice. Not only can you fit 6 individuals, but when theres only 2-4 occupying the spa, it is very spacious, and that part I like very much.

One thing I changed with this spa is I use it more in the morning. I learned that is the best for my arthritis. It has surely helped my ailments.

What really makes the spa amazing is the ozonator and UV light system used to sanitize the water. I am barely using chemicals. In fact, I could probably do away with them completely becuase most the time it’s just me in the spa. If I do some entertaining, and certainly when my dog jumps in, I use the shock and balancer, but that is very rarely the case. This ozonator is fantastic. I don’t think they claim it is 100% chemical free, but the spa is very close to that. I knew not much about this feature when I bought it. I would’ve paid a lot more money for this over the years if I knew it existed.

Read other Barefoot spas 88LM reviews

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