Holding up just fine in the cold winter months


Reviewed by: Jackie from Minneaplois, MN
Rating: 4.5
Barefoot Spas B7


Holding up just fine in the cold winter months

I looked at Hot Springs first and wow, they were expensive! Those hosers wanted to charge me over a twelve thousand dollars for a tub!!! I found Barefoot Spas at the show and got a great tub for half as much. I’ve had it for over a year now, and its been great. Holding up just fine in the cold winter months. Seems pretty good quality, good warranty etc. No problems there. Only thing I can’t figure out is where to get a new filter…

More about the tub, the one I chose was the Barefoot Spas B7. It doesn’t have some of the extra water sprinklers and other stuff, but it works just fine for me. The lights on the bottom by your feet are really bright. It makes hot water and bubbles. Thats what I wanted, and thats what I got. Turns out the thing is pretty darn powerful. More than the Hot Spring one at the store. If you tweak it just right, the jets in there will blow you away clear to the other side of the tub if you let it!

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