Compared to my old spa, my Barefoot Spa is leaps and bounds


Reviewed by: Ryan from Clarksville, TN
Rating: 4.0
Barefoot Spas PR5


Compared to my old spa, my Barefoot Spa is leaps and bounds

My Barefoot Spa was very relaxing and comfortable. I sold it with my old house. I would buy Barefoot Spas again. I hired a delivery crew that works for Barefoot to install it, and they did good job. I love a good spa that provides warmth, relaxation. It was an amazing feeling. My hot tub was a Barefoot Spas PR5. It was small one. The most I got in it at one time was three people, but that was just once. Most the time it was just me and my wife. It is great for hydrotherapy and warm water massage. I used it mainly for relaxation. I give my Barefoot Spas review 4 stars. I hesitate to give 5 stars beucase I don’t know much about the other kinds of hot tubs out there and how Barefoot Spas compares. All I know is compared to my old one, it is leaps and bounds, and from what I understand, it is in the high end in regards to hot tub quality.

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