Great for wife’s arthritis


Reviewed by: Nathan from Houston, TX
Rating: 5.0
Barefoot spas 77LM
77LM hot tub
Barefoot Spa 77LM
barefoot 77LM spa


Great for wife’s arthritis


My wife has arthritis. That’s why we bought the barefoot spa for her. I use it occasionally, but she is in there almost every night, and she thoroughly enjoys it.

We had to deal with a barefoot spa warranty with two of the jets not working properly, but we got that figured out, and since then, it has been smooth sailing. Very easy to take care of this spa, and the maintenance is next to nothing really.

The show where we bought it did a good job delivering it to our back patio, but they didn’t hook up the wires. I took care of that myself with no issues and with the help of my brother in-law who is an electrician by trade. Really, I was the helper 🙂 The spa is actually not that difficult to set up. We filled it up with water, flipped the switch, and she fired right up with no problems. Again, other than the couple jets that went out, we have had no issues with this spa or company.

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